Friday, February 20, 2009

Thursday Workout

Today I worked on presses.
I started off with some brisk rowing to get the heart rate going and the muscles warm.
Next I moved into some plyo moves (jumps mostly - box jumps, broad jumps, etc)
As far as the workout, it was loosely based around a 1, 3, 5 complex of:
Shoulder Press
Push Press
Push Jerk

I completed about 5 rounds with 95#'s before I lost the Shoulder Press. At that point I continuted with the Push Press and Push Jerk until I lost the Push Press (about 2 rounds later) and finished with a final round of Push Jerk.

I moved onto some focused 'Front Squats'. Form is everything. I felt nice and strong on these. I only put in about 10, then I moved on to some Thrusters. I worked in about 10 of those, mentally preparing myself for a visit with 'Fran' soon. I have a feeling she will be knocking any day now.

(Fran is a Baseline Couplet that CrossFit uses as a 'test' of strength, endurance, and capacity. It combines Thrusters with Pull Ups under a 21-15-9 series for time. Thrusters are done with 95#. My last performance with Fran gave me a sub 8 minute time. I would like to drop below 7 minutes. I have no problem with the pull ups, but the Thrusters tend to get broken up, especially on the first set of 21. I usually break it into 3 sets of 7, but I could dramatically improve my time if I could go straight through on all 21, 15 and 9.)

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Wednesday Workout

FINALLY - back in action...

Alright... today I got back into the swing of it.
I have been getting ready to teach classes at CrossFit Hillsboro (see the link to the right). So far, Monday's and Wednesday's you will find me at Pacific Personal Training Studio/CrossFit Hillsboro at 5:30am running a few clients through some fun workouts! Come join us! The owners, Chuck and Shelly Gonzales are very inviting and supportive!

When I got home today, (about 7am) I jumped into my own workout:
21-15-9 (for time)
20lb Wall Ball shots
15lb D-Ball Slam
and 22" Box Jump
(took me 7:06)

I ended with a 500m Row.

I had taken the last week off to let my body kick out an illness... I think I recovered pretty well. The workout (above) was a little on the slow side, but all in all I think I held up a pretty good time. I will continue some 'lighter' days like this for the rest of the week and then get back into full swing on Monday.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

The Past 2 Weeks...

I have had an interesting past two weeks. Everything was fine and normal up until last Wednesday - 2/11. Workouts were great. I was continuing to hit PR's! I got my Deadlift Max up to 305 - if I can clear 315, that will officially be twice my body weight.

Then Wednesday night I started feeling a little sluggish and had a scratchy feeling on the back of my throat. When I woke up on Thursday, I was feeling rough. I had a meeting from 12-4 and I could barely make it through that. I was hot, nose leaking, and just felt BAD. So bad, I used 8 of my 460 hours of Sick Time I have accumulated (you can see how rare it is for me to get sick since I have over 11 weeks worth of SICK TIME).

I spent Friday, Saturday and Sunday on the couch. I can't remember when I was this bad.
Monday was better. My voice sounds all stuffy and 'sick' but physically I feel fine.
Today - I will be back into my routines.

Man that was rough. I think my defenses were down because I was trying to stay up late in the evenings and still get up at 4am... basically, not enough sleep. My diet and exercise are GREAT, so I will now make sure my sleep matches that commitment.