Thursday, October 1, 2009

Almost there...

Just a matter of days until the Portland Marathon.
I have not posted much, mostly because I have been running a ton.

A couple of weeks ago I ran my 20 mile run day and it felt GREAT. Took about 3 hours. I could have continued for another 6 miles no problem. I figure if I keep a decent pace and just keep moving, I should be able to get <3:45 on race day. Wish me luck!

The other main event in recent weeks was my attempt at Fight Gone Bad. FGB is a monumental CrossFit workout that really tests and challenges your overall fitness. There are 5 stations set up and a clock running non-stop for 5 minutes. You rotate to the next station at the minute mark trying to rack up as many 'reps' (points) as possible. There is a 1 minute rest between the 5 minutes round and a total of 3 five minute rounds... so from beginning to end, this is only a 17 minute workout (3 sets of 5 minute round plus the two 1 minute rests between round 1 and 2, and 2 and 3).

The stations are:
- Wall Ball (with a 20# medicine ball, squat down and explode upward throwing the ball 10' into the air, off the wall, catch and repeat quickly)
- Sumo Deadlift High Pulls with 75#
- 20" Box Jump
- Push Press with 75#
- Row (calories count for points)

My previous FGB score was in the ball park of 212 point for ALL 3 rounds.
My current FGB score is 266 points... not bad! I want 300.

Once I am done with all of this training for the Marathon, I will be back onto my 3 days on/1 day off workout regimen and start my progress toward strength and power... watch out FRAN... Sub 6 minutes, here I come!!!