Friday, March 6, 2009

End of the Week!!

Today, I got up earlier than usual (I was out of bed by 3:45am).
I started my workout around 6:20am and am now posting by 7:15am... I think today will be a productive day :)

The Workout was 'Jackie':
1000m Row
50 Thrusters w/ 45lb
30 Pull Ups

I completed it in 9:07 - this was my first time ever doing Jackie
I was surprised how shaky my legs were when I jumped off the rower. It took about 20 reps of the Thrusters before they started feeling normal again - but just as I was feeling good on the Thrusters, I headed over to the Pull Ups which were challenging because of all of the arm work from the Rower/Thruster combo... I was not expecting that.

There is a lot of room for improvement with this one. I had to break the Thrusters up into 5 sets of 10 with about 5 seconds rest in between. The Pull Ups were broken into 3 sets of 10 with around 3-5 seconds in between. I think I could get this down to 8:30 or less the next time I do it.

As for my workouts earlier this week: 
Wednesday - 1000m Swim focusing on form and speed with a bunch of 25m sprints.
Thursday - a variety of strength workouts with emphasis on the Snatch (form - 75lbs) and some Kettle Bell core workouts I plan on teaching this weekend.

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Monday Workout

Monday was Max Deadlift Day...
My previous record in early February was 310lbs. I was excited about this because it was NEARLY twice my body weight. I would need to hit 320 to clear that monument.

Monday, I set a new record... 325lbs!!!! AND IT FELT GREAT! No weakness in form and no failure. If it weren't for the fact that I had completed 23 Deadlifts (including warm up), I would have continued down the path of adding more weight until I found that failure point. There is NO DOUBT in my mind that next time I will be able to clear 330lbs or more!!!

These last few monster strides I have had ('Helen', Max Deadlift) have been exciting. I believe the increased food intake (I moved from 15 Zone Blocks to 17 Zone Blocks) and an increase in sleep has allowed me to step up and out of my previous stage. I felt stuck for a little while, but now I feel great! 

Today will be another 'test' - the main site calls for 'Barbara' (another Benchmark workout like 'Helen'). I will let you know if my claims of improved strength and conditioning are true!!!

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Sunday Workout

Today was a benchmark workout... From the CrossFit main site, I decided to do 'Helen'.

3 Rounds for Time:
400M run
21 Kettle Bell Swings (54 pound KB/1 Pood)
12 Pull Ups

In November, I completed this work out with a personal record of 10:32.

Today - I completed 'Helen' in 8:13!!! I beat my previous PERSONAL RECORD by over 2 Minutes!!!!

I can't believe how awesome I felt. The only area I could significantly improve is the run. If I could get faster splits and complete the pull ups a little quicker, I should be able to get this under 8 minutes.

I LOVE CROSSFIT!!! I see improvements in my performance EVERY WEEK!