Thursday, December 31, 2009

One of my new favorite sites...

Whole 9 Life

Read all about 'Peanut Butter' and why you should avoid it...

Thursday - New Year's Eve...

What a wet rainy day. I don't think it stopped once.

Today's workout was supposed to be 'Angie' (from the main CrossFit site)
100 Pull Ups, 100 Push Ups, 100 Sit Ups, 100 Squats

I scaled it to 1/2 Angie (50 of each). It took 9:10.

I feel a little run down this week. I may have done a little too much on my last 3 workout days as well as the fact that I have not had a great deal of sleep in the past two days... AND my diet has been a little less than stellar.

I'll start fresh tomorrow. I am actually impressed that I squeaked out what I did today :)

Wednesday, December 30, 2009


Busy Day... I once again had a 5000M Row as my workout (from the CrossFit Main site). The nice thing is that I knew what to expect. I was able to do a little strategy. I brought my time down to 20:06. It was still very mentally tough, but I made it.

Later on in the day, I spent about an hour over at Portland CrossFit. Those guys are great. I am trying to learn as much as I can from them. They have been gracious enough to let me come in on Tuesdays and Thursdays to observe, partake, and just ask questions. This is what I love about the CrossFit community. They are so open and excited to share their knowledge.

Well, I went ahead and participated in the 4:30 class. The workout was tough. One that I have seen before, but have never done.

Handstand Push Ups 15-13-11-9-7-5-3-1
L- Pull Ups 1-3-5-7-9-11-13-15

You complete 15 Handstand Push Ups then complete 1 L-Pull Up.
Next - 13 Handstand Push Ups and 3 L-Pull Ups.

Keep working your way down the numbers... This was tough.
I did it prescribed, but it took me a little over 30 minutes. Rochelle (one of the owners and a total BAD ASS) completed it in something like 20 or 21 minutes. She is amazing!!!

Well, needless to say, I slept well Tuesday night.

Wednesday is a Rest Day - finally.

Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Monday - 1 Rep Snatch

Ok - Monday was a 1 Rep Max Day... but for the Snatch.
I am not very strong when it comes to some of the Olympic Lifts.

I worked with some light weight for quite a while until I felt comfortable adding on the pounds.
I got 135# up over head, but the form was UGLY. I decided to call it - as I don't want to let my body think that it was acceptable.

Here are some amazing video's of some talented Oly Lifters who make it look easy.

Sunday, December 27, 2009

Recent Work...

Here are my last few workouts...
I plan on updating this blog more often - I have some very specific goals laid out ahead of me, so this will be a good record keeping journal.

On 12/23 I worked on Deadlifts and Bench Press. I was trying to find my 5 Rep Max.
Here are the results:
Deadlift: 285#
Bench Press: 170#

Both of these are increases over previous attempts, but I expect to see significant improvements over the next 4 weeks.

On 12/24 I worked on Front Squats. Again, trying to find my 5 Rep Max
I got the weight up to 195#'s... not too shabby for a 163# guy :)

I rested on Christmas Day

On 12/26 I worked on some skills that I have recently begun to get the hang of...
The Butterfly Pull Up and the Double Under with the Jump Rope.
I can now do 20 of these Butterfly Pull Ups in a row and 20 Double Unders... Any time a workout calls for Jump Ropes or Pull Ups, I am committing to doing these in place.

Today, I had the challenge of completing a 5000m Row. Most CrossFit workouts call for 250-500m Rows... this is the first time in over a year that I have seen anything over 2000m. I was not looking forward to this at all.

20:34 later, I finished 5000m. That workout turned into more of a mental game than I thought. I eventually figured out that I could pull 10-11 times for every 100 meters... this lead me to analyze how many '100's' I had left before the end of the workout. I don't know if that was good or bad, but I survived.

I sure hope that one does not come up again anytime soon...