Thursday, March 26, 2009

Wednesday and Thursday...

3 3 3 3 3
Front Squats
I spent some time warming up with 135lbs. I probably did about 10 of these.
As I added on plates, I decreased the reps until I found a nice 3 rep weight.
The final set of 3 (which I struggled through) was 195lbs.

4 rounds
1/2 mile run for time

Here are the sets
1. 3:56
2. 3:36
3. 3:28
4. 3:24

I did an out and back from my house. The route I chose has a pretty decent downhill/uphill right in the middle of the run. These times are no where near what I could get on a track. Next time I will go over to the school track and see what my official 1/2 mile run time actually is...

Monday, March 23, 2009

Wall Ball Monday

Today was focused on 1 thing... Wall Ball

I spent 13 minutes and 15 seconds squating, throwing and catching (repeat) a 20# Medicine Ball at a 10' target for a total of 150 reps.

As if that wasn't enough, I shot out of the garage for a 1 mile run (about a 9 minute/mile pace).

I am so happy I get to start my 'Rest' day now... for the next 32 hours, I will recover from the last 3 days of hard work.

whew... I wonder what is in store for the rest of the week :)

Sunday Workout

Sunday Workout - Bench Press and Pull Ups
5 Rounds - max reps each round...

I thought I would try and put a video into this post. Here is one of my sets of Pull Ups. I completed about 121 pull ups all together in the 5 sets.

My lower body is STILL sore from Saturday's 'Deadlift-Run' workout... 3 days later. That's how you know you completed a GREAT workout :)