Friday, February 27, 2009

Last Week of Feb...

So - Let me tell you about my week... It has been a busy one.
Monday, I got to sleep in a little - the class I teach at CrossFit Hillsboro was pushed to Friday. I had a full day of work and ended the evening relieved that I was taking the next 6 days off (from my primary job).

Tuesday was a relaxing, settle in to the 'vacation', enjoy the day in a nice slow pace. I went on a 5 mile walk with my wife and dog, completed a few projects around the house, and helped my wife set up her kiln for some ceramic firing. (Kim is a Jewelry Designer who makes and creates her own beads out of glass and now ceramic... she is VERY talented. If you are interested in any of her pieces, let me know!)

Wednesday was FULL of activity. I was up at 4am, teaching class by 5:30am, in the pool for a 1600m swim by 6:50am, hit the pavement for a 5 mile run by 8am, and on the bike for an 8 mile bike ride by 12 noon. It's not in the perfect order, but I completed a mini self paced triathlon by 2:30pm.

Thursday - I had full intentions of working out, but after a bunch of derailed attempts to get some errands done (my '67 VW Bus was not cooperating with me), I decided to head into my 'project' that I wanted to complete while I had this time available.

I am working on building a set of 'Plyo-Boxes' for Box Jump exercises. These guys are 20" tall and will be much more stable than the ones I have been using. I am very excited about them.

Friday - I taught class this morning at 5:30am, did a little strength training between 5:30 and 6am, swam from 6:35-7:05 (1200m) and am about to finish up those boxes today. If I can get the gym cleaned up and back in order, I just may attempt the WOD from the CrossFit Main Site.