Sunday, June 28, 2009

Last Day at MMA...

Today was a bitter sweet day...
Since February, each Sunday from 9am-11am, you could find me at AliveMMA in SE Portland training some very athletic people who are looking for a tough workout.

This time, David Lloyd brought a couple of his buddies with him. He jokingly asked if we were planing on doing Fight Gone Bad - I paused and thought about it... 'Why not?!'

A little background on FGB... It is a CrossFit workout designed to mimic a grueling Mixed Martial Arts match with 3 rounds, each going for 5 minutes.

A True FGB set up would be:
5 Stations - one with a 75# barbell for Push Press, one with a 75# barbell for Sumo Deadlift Highpulls, a station for Wall Ball shots (20# ball), a 20" box for box jumps, and a Rower (ergometer) to track calories.
The workout is made up of three 5 minute rounds, each minute spent at one station. You get a 1 minute rest in between rounds, but then you have to jump right back in. The goal is to rack up as many points (reps) as possible in each station before your minute there is expired.

We did not have a rower, so I had them do Burpees instead.
We did not have Olympic style Barbells, so we improvised with a 55# Kettle Bell for the SDHP and a 75# standard curl bar for the push press.

These guys racked up a tremendous amount of points. I let David take the score sheet with him so he could tally it up later.

The picture above is a 'tiny' example of what was left in them when the workout was done.

So - back to the original story here... Today was bitter sweet because not only was it a GREAT workout and FUN to watch these guys push their limits, but it was my last day teaching at AliveMMA... I just need at least 1 day a week to myself (and my lovely wife). Unfortunately, with all of my other priorities, I had to drop this one off my plate.

I assured Bill (the amazing owner of AliveMMA) that I would keep in touch and make some appearances in the near future... but for now, I need a day to recharge.