Saturday, March 21, 2009

Saturday Workout

Today's workout was Deadlifts and Running...

205lbs Deadlift 21 reps
800m Run
205lbs Deadlift 15 reps
800m Run
205lbs Deadlift 9 reps
800m Run

time - 13:50

I love this workout... it is mentally challenging, physically challenging, and a test of character.
As you finish each set of Deadlifts, your entire body tries to convince you that running a 1/2 mile is not a good idea. Once you get through the first 400m, you realize that it is not so bad. Then you hit the Deadlifts again, and immediately your body tries to talk you out of it. On the last Run, as you are finishing up the last 400m, your lower back is talking, your legs are crying, and you can't wait to cross the finish line.

Doesn't that sound like an AWESOME workout?!!? :)

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Something I am thinking about..

I am considering offering a 'Monday' workout at the office.
I will see how many people are interested it this (so far each of the DM's on my team seem to be highly interested) and what time will work best.

The group discussion will happen today - I am very excited about helping my co-workers get FIT.

Here are the last 2 workouts:
Tuesday - 
4 Rounds
1 minute each round, 20 sec rest
Max Reps in each minute
Add up the TOTAL Reps to get a final score:

Row (for Cal)
Sumo Deadlift High Pull (75lbs)
Thrusters (75lb)
Pull Ups

Grand Total: 241

Wednesday - Seattle - Hotel Fitness Room
Alternated between:
Weighted Burpees (20lbs in each hand, did a thruster rather than a squat jump)
Air Squat

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Before and After...

I am not really one who is comfortable running around with my shirt off - so posting these is even stranger to me - but I thought it might help sell the point that CrossFit and the Zone can really change your body.

These 'Before' pictures are from June 2008.
The 'After' pictures are from today.

Sunday Workout

Today - 21, 15, 9
Clean and Jerk 75#
Ring Dips
Kettle Bell Swings - 1 pood (~35lbs)
Push Ups

I got excited about the workout and forgot to start the timer. Getting through the 15 rep set was mentally tough and physically exhausting. The final 9 felt like a relief.

Something I have noticed since increasing my Zone Blocks (I am currently running on ~19 blocks a day) is that I have ample energy to get through the workouts. Now it is a matter of muscle failure, but not lack of energy. This is taking my focus and effort to a new level. With all of this extra food, you would think the scale would start climbing (because of chubbiness) but it hasn't moved. I will give it another 3-4 weeks and possibly increase my food even more if I do not notice significant muscle/strength gain. 19 Blocks is hard enough to try and consume, I can't imagine eating more!!!!