Saturday, March 14, 2009

Saturday Workout

Shoulders and Back... 

Based off my results yesterday, it is time to work on my overhead press strength.
Today I completed 3 rounds for time:
21 Shoulder Press
15 Ring Rows
21 Push Press
15 Sumo Deadlift High Pull

I started off with 75# for the first round. My arms were shaking throughout and the weight kept getting heavier...
I moved to 65# on the next round, but it was causing me to take too many rests. I wanted to keep my body moving so I dropped it down to #45 (just the bar).
In 4 weeks, I will re-visit this one and do 65# all the way through. I should be much stronger by then

Friday, March 13, 2009

Friday CrossFit Total

I completed the CrossFit total today - I was planning on re-doing it on Saturday, but I got the urge to try it today.
Again - the CrossFit Total is your 1 Rep Max of Shoulder Press, Back Squat, and Deadlift.
The other day I did Front Squats instead of Back Squats... so today, I attempted it all again.

I got great results, although I am fully aware of the areas I need to work on - Presses and Squats.

My Shoulder Press did not improve from the original time I tried this in January.
My Back Squat came up a little, but I still need to work on getting my hips a little bit lower.
My Deadlift is solid - but I found out that 325lb is my current MAX.

So, here it it:
Shoulder Press: 125#
Back Squat: 265#
Deadlift: 325#
CrossFit Total: 715#

If you look back to my older post in the last week of January, my total was 685# and my goal was to break 700#.

Shoulder Press: 125#
Back Squat: 255#
Deadlift: 305#
1/28/2009 CrossFit Total: 685#

I need to focus my attention on Presses and my Squats. 
At least I have another goal now!

Thursday, March 12, 2009


It looks like I am averaging about 1 post a week... that is not acceptable. I will get back into the swing of this ASAP!

So, here is what the last 4-5 days have looked like:
Saturday and Sunday - I am building (from Scrap) a Wagon to haul my CrossFit equipment around. It sounds odd, but I want a more efficient way to transport my Boxes, Kettle Bells and Medicine Balls when I go off site to train people. Right now, I have to load everything by hand into my car. With the wagon,  I will simply wheel it into my VW Van and roll on... But as with everything 'fabricated', it is never 'simple'. My first attempt was a disaster. I welded together a metal frame and attached a 1/2" 2'x4' plywood board to it. I mounted the wheels and the steering set up. They seemed a little weak for what I wanted, but I have never built something like this before, so I decided to experiment. On my first attempt to pull the wagon into the van, one box (filled with kettle bells) slid into the other box (filled with kettle bells and medicine balls) which slid to the back of the wagon and flipped over. The Medicine balls ended up across the driveway and onto the lawn, kettle bells were scattered everywhere and the rear wheels on the wagon had tucked under and ripped the screws out of the board.

Lesson learned.

I spent Sunday designing and fabricating a very functional steering set up in the front that keeps the wheels nicely under the corners of the wagon. The rear is now BOLTED together, rather than screwed. With the weight on the wagon (over 300lbs) everything rolls nicely and the wheels turn without rubbing on anything. So far, so good. Next I need to fabricate a handle and a way to pull the wagon into the van. I have a design for a ramp that will be a slight incline and should help with allowing me to push/pull the wagon into the vehicle.

Ultimately I would love to get the wagon motorized with an electric motor so that I can point it onto the ramp and flip a switch. That would rock!

At any rate - the weekend was so packed with my 'mad scientist' type fabricating madness, that I only worked out on Sunday. This was a Kettle Bell Workout with some focus on Core. 
I warmed up with a:
 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 series of 
Box Jump (20" box), Thrusters (40#) and Push Ups

The Kettle Bell work was:
3 rounds
21 Lunges
21 Push Press
21 Power Get Ups (this is where I lay down, KB stretched out over my head on the ground and then in one powerful move I throw it towards my feet which pulls my entire body up and into a squat position. I stand, then squat down and lay out for the next rep)

Monday was some 'Skill Work'
I spent about 30-40 minutes working on handstands, KB Cleans/snatches/and deadlifts, KB rows, KB push ups, and KB Renegade Rows. I finished with a 1.25 mile run.

Tuesday was CrossFit Totals - 
This is where you find your 1 rep max for Shoulder Press, Back Squat, and Deadlift
 Screwed up - I did Front Squats instead... I don't know why.
Shoulder Press - 125lb
Front Squats - 210lbs (this is less than what I did for back squats last time... I think I can do about 40lbs more for Back Squats!!! I will try it this weekend)
Deadlift - 325lbs

previous best was 685
This time - with Front Squats instead of Back Squats - 660
My goal is 700 - I will get this on Saturday

Wednesday Workout:
After teaching class, I stayed and completed a double Workout -
21, 15, 9
2o# Wall Ball shot w/ 10' target
Pull Ups
(took less than 5 minutes to complete)
followed by:
4 Rounds
250m row, 10 Pushups, 12 Lunges with 50# Dumbbells
(less than 10 minutes to complete)

I am feeling this workout in my butt and abs today.
I wonder how my clients are feeling - they looked a little tired walking out of the gym :)