Friday, June 26, 2009

Some of my Recent Workouts...

Busy Busy... here are some of the latest workout:
Front Squats - 3Rep Max
I got to a new PR with 195#

on 6/22/09 I completed:
3 Rounds for time
21 55lb KB swings
12 Hand Stand Push Ups
Time: 8:15 (PR)

on 6/25/09 I completed:
As many rounds as possible of
5 Thrusters with 95#
7 Power Hang Cleans with 95#
10 Sumo Deadlift High Pulls with 95#
7 Rounds completed (PR... last time I had to scale this to 85#)

Today was 'Nicole'
As many rounds as possible of:
400M Run
Max Rep Pull Ups
your total Pull Ups is your final score
I completed 7 rounds for a total of 137 pull ups (PR - by 15 pull ups and 1 round)

That was a tough one. I wasted a ton of time because I was exhausted and thought about calling it quits about 3 different times... once at 10 minutes, once at 15 and again at 3 minutes. I kept talking myself into just getting through the next one. When the 6 minute mark came around, I completed the round and told myself "If the clock is under 3 minutes, I am done"... sure enough, the clock was at 3:12 - I HAD to work in one more round. 

When I completed the last set and the timer went off, I was positive that this was the worst performance ever... when I went back to look at my training log I was SHOCKED to find out that this was in fact MY BEST PERFORMANCE EVER! Here is how the workout broke out:
Rnd 1 - 33 pull ups (PR!!!)
Rnd 2 - 22 pull ups
Rnd 3 - 15 pull ups
Rnd 4 - 13 pull ups
Rnd 5 - 25 pull ups
Rnd 6 - 15 pull ups
Rnd 7 - 14 pull ups
Total 137

I beat my last attempt by 15 pull ups and 1 full round!

Boy am I tired.