Saturday, April 18, 2009


I used my workout time to focus on moves that I am less than comfortable with... specifically the 'Snatch'. The Snatch is a very fast move. You start with the weight on the ground in a deadlift type stance and in one quick move, you violently pull it from the ground to a position up and over your head. No pause. No catching it on your shoulders. Straight from the ground to overhead. Once caught, you stabilize and stand straight up.

I completed about 20 of these total. I built the weight up to about 120# which I could complete 3 reps with. I recorded some video so that I could assess my form. There is quite a bit to work on, but the main pieces are there. This is where I wish I had a trainer to help coach me through. I might start looking for someone to team up with. Until then, the video camera will do.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Previous Post from MARCH 1st 2009:
oday was a benchmark workout... From the CrossFit main site, I decided to do 'Helen'.
3 Rounds for Time:
400M run
21 Kettle Bell Swings (54 pound KB/1 Pood)
12 Pull Ups

In November, I completed this work out with a personal record of 10:32.
Today - I completed 'Helen' in 8:13!!! I beat my previous PERSONAL RECORD by over 2 Minutes!!!!

I can't believe how awesome I felt. The only area I could significantly improve is the run. If I could get faster splits and complete the pull ups a little quicker, I should be able to get this under 8 minutes.

Today I completed Helen in 7:51!!!! I felt GREAT during the run and moved through the KB Swings and the Pull Ups with no problem... here are my thoughts on why I have improved AGAIN:
I have been extremely focused on pushing myself at each workout. I have consistently been working out 5-6 days a week (3 days on, one day off) and I jacked up my food intake. The scale has barely moved and I honestly think I am losing body fat - but I am eating nearly 21-23 ZONE Blocks A Day (previously was 17). Even though I felt uninspired at the start of todays workout, I dug deep and pushed - I seriously thought I was going to post a very slow time, but the run was SOLID. It took me about 5 minutes of rolling around on the floor feeling like I was going to pass out before I recovered. But once I was up and moving around, I felt normal and refreshed! Talk about a 'SHORT' recovery time.
If I had to, I could do Helen all over again - right now. That is how well I have recovered. Crazy stuff, this CrossFit.